5+ Important Things about Social Media Marketing | How to be Successful with Social Media Marketing Part-1

5+ Important Things about Social Media Marketing

➤ What is social media?

Social media is a type of computer-based technology. Technology that enables the digital sharing of ideas, thoughts and information across virtual networks and communities.

75% of the total Internet users in the world are connected to some form of social media. And social media marketing work is a unique method to easily reach the advertisement of products or services to this large section of people. Basically social media marketing is the platforms that we all understand or are currently trending

    • ➜ Facebook
    • ➜ Twitter
    • ➜ Instagram
    • ➜ YouTube
    • ➜ Linkedin
    • ➜ Pinterest

etc. to all these social media. Facebook and YouTube are the most popular social media platforms these days and these two platforms are playing an effective role. Apart from this, there are many social media platforms around the world which are advancing in a very short time.

Some of these social media are very popular in certain countries or you can say that those countries use some platforms more in their countries. In this situation, it can be said that Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp are very popular social platforms in Asian countries such as Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka etc. On the other hand, Pinterest and Reddit are used by 70% of people in American countries and the popularity of Pinterest and Reddit is infinite. Again, the survey showed that StumbleUpon, VK and Twitter are more popular in Russia with more people using them on a daily basis. The marketing you do through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter will be part of Facebook marketing if it is Facebook, Instagram marketing if it is Instagram or Twitter marketing if you do it on Twitter. And thus, the marketing or promotion of our products or services by sharing videos on the YouTube platform is part of YouTube marketing. You can do digital marketing by sharing your website, website products or how your services will benefit others from these social media to any social media. You, me and the whole world are becoming highly dependent on social media marketing these days. If you think deeply, you can very well understand the fact that when was the last time or when you used social media like Facebook or YouTube. This will give you an idea of how dependent and important you are on social media.

➤ Social Media Marketplace (SMM):

In a word, social media marketing is a unique strategy or a process, which involves buying or selling the services of a particular person or company through Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and various other platforms. Below is a list of social media marketplaces:

    1. ➜ Facebook
    2. ➜ Twitter
    3. ➜ Instagram
    4. ➜ YouTube
    5. ➜ Linkedin
    6. ➜ Pinterest
    7. ➜ Whatsapp 
    8. ➜ Messenger 
    9. ➜ WeChat 
    10. ➜ QQ 
    11. ➜ TikTok 
    12. ➜ Tumblr 
    13. ➜ Reddit 
    14. ➜ Snapchat
    15. ➜ Viber 
    16. ➜ Discord 
    17. ➜ Medium 
    18. ➜ Telegram 

➤ Earn from Social Media Marketing:

If you want to earn through social media marketing through YouTube, then you must create an interesting video about the product or products according to your marketing. You can upload those videos through your YouTube channel and show them to your visitors and get customers.

➤ Why do social media marketing?

The greatest quality of a successful entrepreneur is that he does not stop, when a problem arises he is busy to solve the problem. And when there is no problem, it is busy for new experiments. And because of this nature, many small startups in the world have become very big today. New ideas are generated.

➤ Why Learning Social Media Marketing Is Important?

Online social media is nothing new to introduce now. The demand of people to do business online is increasing day by day. Currently there are golden opportunities for doing business on social media platforms. Many have already got success by doing business.

A statistic shows that 4.74 billion people from all over the world use social media. About 59.3 percent of the population in the twenties (World Survey October 2022)

It is not very difficult to succeed once the business goes viral among this huge population. Everyone wants to grow his business. So it can be seen that many successful companies are also promoting their products to these huge users by advertising on Facebook.

If you don't have a lot of customers, social media can be a great way to increase customer attraction. So social media marketing is an important medium for new and old businesses.

Now you need to know exactly which platforms your customers are spending more time on, then you need to determine those platforms and create a proper social media marketing strategy and content plan.

Once you have a content plan, you need to create content accordingly. Content can be an image, video or text.

One thing to note here is that you should focus on the social media for branding and marketing that will benefit your business the most.

This is how you can reach customers very quickly through social media marketing.

So learn social media marketing and stay ahead of everyone else.

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