10+ Causes of Internet Addiction with 10+ Remedies to Keep Kids Away from Internet Addiction


How internet addiction is damaging?

Internet is closely related to our daily life.

Internet is required for every work now. It seems unbelievable to spend even a day without internet. But every thing has two opposites - pros and cons. On the one hand, just as the Internet has made work faster and easier, it has also created addiction.

➤ What is this internet addiction?

When we spend more or more time on the Internet than necessary and waste time at work, this time wasting and wasting time on the Internet instead of working is called Internet addiction. This addiction is created by spending time in the internet world for games, porn, online shopping, reading through social media, watching videos etc.

This addiction has a negative impact on one's personal life, including the workplace, physical and mental health. According to the statistics of the United States, this addiction is currently in an alarming state all over the world and its effects are most visible among teenagers and young adults.

➤ How can this addiction be identified?

There are basically five symptoms that are seen in a person to identify internet addiction.

1. Spend too much time on the internet. The Internet will place undue importance on what has happened before and what will happen next.

2. For your own peace of mind, you will constantly increase the amount and time you use the Internet.

3. Even taking steps to reduce the level of internet usage will fail.

4. Whenever you try to reduce the level of internet usage, problems like depression, irritability, restlessness will appear.

5. As much time as he wants to be on the Internet, he will unknowingly spend more time than he should.

➤ What problems can arise as a result of Internet addiction?

No addiction brings any good results in life. Similarly, the following problems will start appearing from internet addiction-

1. Loss of interest in all personal areas including studies, career, relationships.

2. Starting to resort to lying to spend a little more time on the internet.

3. Choosing the Internet to run away from the problem rather than solving it. This increases the level of the problem.

4. Spending more time on the Internet than necessary reduces social skills. Reluctance to socialize with people, get to know them, even talk politely.

5. Sitting for a long time in the same place, using gadgets (computer, laptop, mobile, tab) in the same posture, causing problems in bone formation.

➤ How to get rid of internet addiction?

Nowadays internet addiction has increased so much that different methods are being applied for each individual in curing internet addiction and more different methods will be adopted in future. Many of the people who are currently addicted to the Internet have various reasons behind their Internet addiction, some examples of which are anxiety, depression and other unknown mental stress problems. If this continues, more dire conditions will arise in the future and will continue to increase day by day. T moms should take strict action against this. If this is the case, take the advice of a psychologist and then take action.

Finally, take the necessary steps to save your child from internet addiction now before it's too late.

1. Mothers who are there try to spend more time with children.

2. To save your child from the internet, you must first reduce the internet usage. Otherwise, children will learn by watching your work and be at risk.

3. Make a habit of reading newspapers.

4. Go on family vacations with kids.

Besides, it is possible to get one out of this addiction through various effective methods including cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, art therapy, family therapy, skill-building training.

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