Interesting-Facts-About Time-Travel. Is time travel really possible?

Interesting-Facts-About Time-Travel.

What is time travel?

Jumping from one time to another (past or future) is called time travel.

Is time travel really possible?

And if it is possible then can we go to the future by time travel and see ourselves. Or I can go and meet myself.

Right now the answer is no, we can't, it's never possible. If so, can't we do time travel?

Yes, the way you think about time travel can never be called time. We call that multiverse and multiverse is never possible in our life. If you don't understand something about multiverse, ask questions in the group and I will try to answer. And it is never possible to go to the past by time travel. For now, we cannot go to the past. So can we go to the future? The answer is yes, we can definitely go to the future, but we can't come to the past. The question is whether we can go to the future and see ourselves. The answer is no. As I said before, this is possible in the multiverse. It is said that we cannot see ourselves. If you travel at the speed of light then you will definitely time travel. But that's not much. Now we know that time is not the same everywhere in the universe, so if we go to another planet at the speed of light, then because our Earth time and that planet's time is not the same, you will time travel and you will see the people of your age on Earth again. grown up If you spend 10 years in space, you will age by 10 years, but people your age will age by 10 years.

Let's say we learn to time travel.

So I went to the year 2050 (since it is not possible to go back in time). There I went to my family. I saw that I am 54 years old. My family is busy with family and career or retirement. At that point I killed my future me.

There I discovered a device that can travel back in time. Then again I came back in 2022. And time traveled again in 2060. I saw that I did not exist. That means I'm sure to die.

Now I'm back in 2022 and living my life and waiting for my past self to kill me in 2050. In the meantime, it came to my mind that there is a way to go back in time. After a gap of 29 years, I found that way.

When I discovered the time travel machine in 2049, I went to 2022 to test it, just before my first time travel.

I saw that my past self was ready to time jump to 2050. I got rid of it and came back to 2049.

I waited for 1 year. So as usual in 2050 my past self arrived. With 30 years on my hands, I plan and prepare for change. Whenever my present self interacted with my past self I let her know that I knew about this time travel. Whenever you go back after killing me, you will become this me. So you don't need to go back.

Coming here to the story I have 2 questions against 2 possibilities.

Chance-1 My past self refused to agree with me and killed me, repeating the incident and creating an inevitable paradox that would continue for eternity.

Question 1 : Is there any other way to break this inevitable paradox than to agree to the words of my future version of my past version?

Possibility 2: My past self agreed with the future amir and remained in the future.

Question 2: Then naturally, unless I go back to the past, my future and its place will not be the same. At that moment my surroundings will change. Will I immediately lose my future Amir? How will the matter happen?

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